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    Welcome to your home for 10 weeks, the A-Frame on Hacienda Mission Lázaro, situated on a 1000+ acre ranch in southern Honduras. The A-Frame is divided into two floors, guys upstairs, girls downstairs. Each floor has its own kitchen, bathroom and shower. Hammocks surround the house for after-hours relaxation and don't worry, cows will take care of mowing your yard.

    Fish, Mission Lazarus Coffee, beans, tortillas, beans, and more tortillas. You'll taste so many different types of foods, so be adventurous.

    Mission Lazarus will provide the interns with a driver, who will make sure you make it from point A to point B on a daily basis.

    Transportation and Logistics
    Packing List
    Immunizations for Honduras
    Group Photos
    Passport and Visa
    Budget and Expenses
    Lodging, Travel and Cuisine