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    Nutrition Program Sponsorship.

    Lack of nutritious food during the early developmental years of a child's life can be devastating. Mission Lazarus provides nutritious monthly food supplies for malnourished children along with a monthly health check up. The Nutrition Program is designed to address the acute problem of malnutrition. Children graduate from the program in 12 months.

    Educational Sponsorship.

    Education is the way out of poverty in the third world, however it's the poverty that keeps many children from going to school. Mission Lazarus operates 4 primary schools that provide a Christian education, a safe place to learn, and two nutritious meals a day. By sending a child to school you have helped change their life!

    Vocational School Sponsorship.

    In Honduras vocational trades will often times provide a more stable income than other “professional” careers. With that in mind Mission Lazarus built a vocational school on our ranch that is also home to the Refuge Children’s Home. Children from the home as well as surrounding villages are learning valuable skills that will prepare them to be active and responsible leaders in their communities.

    Mission Lazarus Refuge Sponsorship

    The Mission Lazarus Refuge is a safe haven located on a 1,250 acre working ranch in in southern Honduras, providing a home, love, care, and an education for children who have suffered greatly in their battle against poverty. For $250 a month you can fund a well rounded upbringing.